Barefoot shoes are gaining popularity all around the country and more and more are jumping on the bandwagon. But the reality it can be difficult to get many brands in Israel.
So behold, a full list of brands that ship to Israel, as well as places you can get them in Israel including some juicy discounts that we set up.
For your convenience, we listed all shipping costs for each brand in the article, but note that customs fees may vary depending on amount ordered and can be somewhat unpredictable.
Please note the pictures shown in article are just examples of shoes that we use or own, all brands have many more models and you can browse on their websites to see them.
This article contains affiliate links which help us provide you with this content at no additional cost to you. Many of the brands here have discount codes as well which we listed.
You can skip to read about a particular brand here
1 Lems

Lems is a really cool brand that specializes in quality boots and hiking sneakers and are constantly expanding their collection. All their shoes are unisex. We largely consider these transition footwear since their soles are quite thick compared to most barefoot shoes. This makes them very useful for beginners which is why we put them first.
Prices: 90-190$
Gender. Uni sex Shoes
Shipping cost to Israel: 45$
Sizes: 3-15
Kids sizes: NO
Discounts: 20% off a few times through out the year for holidays
Website: Lemsshoes.com
Sample Review: Primal Zen
2. Vivobarefoot

Largely considered one of the forerunners in the barefoot world.
Vivobarefoot has no shortage of models for every single style and adventure and are constantly revising models to upgrade them. They also have Revivo Barefoot which patches up older shoes sent in and sell them for second hand for cheaper. Additionally, they also tend to have older models which may no longer be available at the Vivo store.
Prices: 120$-250$+
Gender. Large variety of Mens and Womans .
Shipping cost to Israel:
Sizes: 5.5-15
Kids sizes: Yes
Discounts: TBSR10 for 10% off
Website: Vivobarefoot.com
Sample Review: Ultra Bloom

Be Lenka is a beloved lesser known brand but with a really nice style of very nice and normal looking sneakers. Anything from casual sneakers to hiking boots. They also feature the most minimal soles on the market, with most of their shoes having a 4mm sole. Barebarics is a recently created sister brand trying to mimick fashionable trendy sneakers with a fake thicker looking sole.
Prices: 115-180$
Gender. Uni sex Shoes, with a larger variety for females.
Shipping cost to Israel: 33$
Sizes: 33-47
Kids sizes: Yes
Discounts: Thebarefootshoereview 5% off.
Website: Belenka.com
Sample Review: Belenka Promenade

This company is surprisingly one of the first barefoot shoe companies out there and has a large variety of men's, women's and kids shoes. They have very soft delicate unique looking shoes as well as some really cozy slippers!
Prices: 115-300$
Gender. Uni sex Shoes
Shipping cost to Israel: Free over 150$, Otherwise 12$
Sizes: 5-14
Kids sizes: YES , Babies, Children & Youth.
Discounts: Outlet, certain models.
Website: Softstar.com
Sample Review: Softstar Runamoc
5. Ahinsa

A lesser known brand but quite comfortable and with one of the widest toe boxes on the market. They ship extremely quickly and are based in Poland. They have a large variety of both Men's and Women's models. They also have a comfort line which is not truly minimalist, so if you're specifically looking for barefoot shoes make sure to choose the barefoot line.
Prices: 90-190$
Gender. Uni sex Shoes
Shipping cost to Israel: 13-19$
Sizes: 36-47
Kids sizes: NO
Discounts: TBSR10% for 10% off
Website: Ahinsashoes.com
Sample Review: Ahisna Sundara
6. Zeazoo.

Initially specializing in kids shoes, Zeazoo has some really unique men's sandal options, as well as a great women's alternative to Uggs! I'm a big fan of their side strap sandal and they are one of the few brands who make it.
Prices: 75-150$
Gender. Large variety of men's only and women's only models
Shipping cost to Israel: 40$
Sizes: 35-47
Kids sizes: Yes 16-36
Discounts: Thebarefootshoereview for 5% off
Website: Zeazookids.com
Sample Review: Zeazoo Coral
7.Carets Shoes.

These, in my opinion, are one of the only true dress shoes for men in the barefoot shoe market. They recently released a women's oxford shoe as well and are also releasing men's stylish boots later in the year. Their magic lies in their fake heel and their fake toe box, your toes actually end earlier in the shoe allowing them to function and not be squashed while still enjoying a tapered toe box.
Prices: 200+-350$
Gender. Men, with one Women's Model
Shipping cost to Israel: 50$
Sizes: 5-14
Kids sizes: NO
Discounts: Discounts with new releases.
Website: Carets.com
Sample Review: Carets Fer Cap
8. Wildings

Another brand that specializes in kids, but also has a wide variety of adults sizes with some of the most minimal, most eco friendly shoes out there. The owners are also originally Israeli and now live in Germany. Wildlings has a unique message of sustainability and equal rights to all types.
Prices: 107-160$
Gender. Uni sex Shoes
Shipping cost to Israel: 10$ over 180$ is free.
Sizes: 36-48
Kids sizes: Yes 18-35
Discounts: Rarely has sales
Website: Wildlings.com
Sample Review: Wildlings Fir

Featuring some of the most flexible soles on the market, Magical shoes mastered the Blundstone alternative. They have both winter and spring versions of the beloved Chelsea boot as well as many other stylish and minimalist models.
Prices: 115$-180$
Gender. Wide variety of Men's and Woman's
Shipping cost to Israel: FREE
Sizes: 36-47
Kids sizes: NO
Discounts: TBSR
Website: Magicalshoes.com
Sample Review: Magical Shoes Spring Lupino
10. Earth Runners

These are mine and my wife's most commonly worn shoe; its ability to go on long hikes with it but still go to a wedding in it (at least in Israel) makes it extremely versatile. It comes in 3 sole thicknesses. 2 types of straps and a wide variety of strap colors. All have grounding straps and foot beds.
Prices: 70-90$
Gender. Uni sex Shoes
Shipping cost to Israel: 25$
Sizes: 36-48
Kids sizes: Yes K12,K13 1-3
Discounts: TBSR10 for 10% off
Website. Earthrunners.com
Sample Review Earth runners Review
11. Zuzu Sandals.

This is another Israeli owned company. Zuzu Sandals are essentially really cool minimal sandals made from recycled car tires. They offer leather and silicon lacing strap options. They offer 2 models: one with just rubber and the other with a canvas foot bed. Their leather straps are some of the thinnest widths on the market.
Prices: 240-290 Shekels!
Gender. Uni Sex Sandals
Shipping cost to Israel: Yes- Within Israel
Sizes: 36-47
Kids sizes: NO
Discounts: TBSR for 10% off.
Website. Zuzusandals.com

A beautiful brand with a wide variety of styles for both men and women. Considered by some the most elegant of brands, Groundies has a style for every weather, terrain and type. Exchanging or shipping back can be a little difficult, which is why many order them from amazon instead. They also recently made a line of regular toe box fits so be sure to order the anatomical toe box fit if you are looking for natural footwear.
Prices: 53-180$
Gender. Both
Shipping cost to Israel: Free shipping by Sea or 22$ via UPS
Sizes: 36-48
Kids sizes: NO
Discounts: None, Sporadic Sales
Website. Groundies.com Groundies Amazon
Sample Review: Groundies Tokio
13. Groundz

Groundz is unique among the shoes here as they have grounding capabilities (Earth runners does as well) they have a dressy men's and woman's collection along with sandals. They have plans to release more men's sandals later in year.
Prices: 95-180$
Gender. Men and Women
Shipping cost to Israel: 22-55$ depending on carrier and speed
Sizes: 5-14
Kids sizes: NO
Discounts: 5% off with you code (other promotions throughout the year)
Website: Groundz.com
Sample Review: Pewter Clay Slip Ons
Stores that Stock barefoot shoes in Israel

We Shoes are stocking many models of Xero shoes on their online store. At the moment the sandal models are available in majority of their stores around Israel. They also ship around Israel.
In the future they will stock more models in their stores but now most are available online.
Prices: 169-500 Shekel
Gender. Uni Sex Sandals and Shoes. Color Variants
Shipping cost to Israel: Free shipping over 199 Shekel
Sizes: 35-48
Kids sizes: No
Discounts: Spontaneous sales
Website: Weshoes.co.il

Based in Tel Aviv on Burgoshov street, Barefoot Life has a wide variety of different brands. Their prices vary based on brand and it's a nice experience to be able to try on shoes first. They ship around Israel.
Prices: 250-1000 Shekel
Gender. Many models for both genders.
Shipping cost to Israel: 35 Shekel
Sizes: Varies based on brand
Kids sizes: Yes
Discounts: Coming soon
Website: Barefootlife.co.il

Located in Jerusalem on Hillel street. ORCHA is a hiking store that stocks Earth Runners, Vivobarefoot and Xero.
Prices: 250-1000 Shekel
Gender. Many models for both genders.
Shipping cost to Israel: No shipping.
Sizes: Varies based on brand
Kids sizes: No
Discounts: None
Website: None
While there are some smaller hiking stores which stock a brand or 2 around Israel as they do not have many models or brands available we stuck with the stores that stock several brands.
Honorable mentions which don't ship to Israel yet but we felt they we were worth mentioning.
The way to get these into Israel is
1 Ushops.Co.il U shops provides you with a US based address to order anything you and they ship it independently to Israel.
2. Find a kind soul who will bring it in their suitcase from the USA, UK, EU. Be sure to consult sizing charts and return policy first.
3. On your next trip abroad smuggle in a bunch of barefoot shoes ;)
1. Freets

These are my personal favorites out of my whole collection. When it comes to comfort and function Freet's win. They feature really nice wide and grippy functional shoes. A personal favorite of many for hiking.
Prices: 47$-225$
Gender. Uni Sex shoes and boots.
Shipping cost to Israel: Does not Ship to Israel But ships to USA, EU, UK
Sizes: 36-47
Kids sizes: NO
Discounts: TBSR for 10% off.
Website. Freetbarefoot.com
Sample Review: Freet mudee
2. Feelgrounds

Feelgrounds is one of the fastest growing barefoot shoe companies, with their huge variety of knit and mesh models as well as their recent boot line of the Patrol and Patrol Light. With plans to launch kids shoes and Chelsea boots, they are an affordable brand worth checking out.
Prices: 99$-179$
Gender. Uni Sex shoes,boots, sandals, and slip ons
Shipping cost to Israel: Does not Ship to Israel But ships to USA, EU, UK
Sizes: 5-15
Kids sizes: NO
Discounts: None, Occasional sales.
Website. Feelgrounds.com
Sample Review: Mesh all White

We saved the most budget friendly for last in hope that you read the whole article ;)
While initially launching with kids shoes only, Splay recently launched their models in adult sizes and the world went crazy. They also recently released a equally cool slip on and they are super affordable at around 50-70$ a pair. So even with shipping costs and Ushops and all it's still usually worthwhile to pick up a pair.
Prices: 50$-80$
Gender. Uni Sex Shoes and Slip ons.
Shipping cost to Israel: Does not Ship to Israel But ships to USA, EU, UK
Sizes: 5-15
Kids sizes: Yes
Discounts: TBSR for 10% off
Website. Splayathletics.com
Mini Review: Splay Adults
4. Xero

This article wouldn't be complete without an honorable mention to Xero shoes, which weshoes are now stocking some in there stores. There are still many many more models available on their site that are not yet available in Israel. They come out with 2 new model lines every year, in the spring and the fall.
Models we have tried from them are the Xero trail, Aqua Cloud, Terraflex2 , Xero 360, Xero Alpine, Jessie.
Prices: 50$-80$
Gender. Men's and Women's styles
Shipping cost to Israel: Does not Ship to Israel But ships to USA, EU, UK
Sizes: 5-15
Kids sizes: Yes
Discounts: None, Fall/Spring Sales of 20%
Website. Xeroshoes.com
Sample Review: Aqua cloud
There are so so many brands out there, I am certain we will be adding brands to this list as new brands pop up or as companies change their shipping policy.
Super welcome to reach out to us on our Instagram @thebarefootshoereview or email us at barefootshoereview@outlook.com
We are here for any questions.
Managed to find a pair that catches your eye?
Congratulations and do a celebratory jump in your new barefoot shoes and tag us @thebarefootshoereview
